V & J, Inc. (313) 387-7995 - Detroit, Michigan
Auto Recovery Company - Detroit, Michigan Auto
Company Name:
V & J, Inc.
Contact Name:
Virginia Theisen
Primary Phone:
(313) 387-7995
Secondary Phone:
(313) 387-7995
(313) 387-7998
Mailing Address:
Please call for street address
Detroit, MI 48223 United States
Email Address:
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About V & J, Inc.
Number of times this listing has been viewed: 3956
DETROIT MICHIGAN AUTO REPOSSESSION & AUTO RECOVERY SERVICES FAST DEPENDABLE 24/7 SERVICE IN DETROIT AND ALL LOCATIONS IN SOUTHEAST MICHIGAN V&J, Inc. is your premier auto recovery company in Detroit V&J, Inc. recovers collateral for banks, credit unions, and finance companies. Many financial institutions consider V&J, Inc. their "A-Team" when it comes to repossession because of our reputation for recovering vehicles in the safest and most effective manner possible - all done at competitive rates. Servicing your auto recovery / repossession needs throughout Michigan, V&J, Inc. is one of the fastest repossessors in Michigan, offering a full range of repossession services. We are fully Licensed - Bonded - Insured With a call to V&J, Inc. "One Call Covers it All." We provide professional, fast, and economical repossessions with an emphasis on speedy service and courteous handling of your customer. All our field agents are trained professionals in the location and recovery of our client's collateral. As part of the service we provide, detailed updates, condition reports, inventory forms etc. AVAILABLE 7 DAYS A WEEK 24 HOURS A DAY Please call us today for the best service! 313-387-7995 Virginia Theisen V&J, Inc. Detroit, Michigan Auto Recovery & Repossession Services
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